Museum Burg Miltenberg

Mildenburg castle stands above the town of Miltenberg and is the town’s landmark. After extensive renovation, the museum was opened in 2011.

The small museum café invites the guest to linger in the idyllic yard.

History of the Mildenburg

A photograph of the spiral staircase of the Mildenburg ca. 1880

In the vaulted cellar of the castle all important information on the eventful history of the castle and its inhabitants is presented.

The Archbishops of Mainz had the Mildenburg built at the end of the 12th century to secure their powerful position and to serve as a customs office.  Around 1200, the castle keep was added, the first official reference dates to 1226. Rather diverse periods in history affected the castle: extending, capturing, damaging and reconstructing.

The owners also have changed repeatedly since 1803. The Mildenburg has been property of the town since 1979.

Icons and contemporary art within historic castle walls

The chosen selection exhibited comprises about 170 artworks of the 20th and 21st century, namely well-known artists such as Beuys, Barlach, Pechstein, Lange and Willikens, mainly from the collection of Dr. Jürgen Lenssen. Contrasted with Greek or Russian icons of the 16th to 19th century the artworks invite the visitors to gain an insight into completely new aspects of artistic work.

In three separate rooms, over 200 Romanian folklore icons in the technique of reverse glass painting are exhibited. These works originate from the collection of Marianne and Dr. Joachim Nentwig donated to the diocese of Würzburg. The reverse glass painted icons symbolize the sacral folklore art of the Balkan area.

Modern art and icons in the Museum Burg Miltenberg

The magnificient view from the castle keep (Photo: Holger Leue)

The museum does not close itself off to the outside; the windows always offer to overlook the magnificent Main valley. The visitors can let their thoughts wander beyond the castle walls. Across this distance emerges a very special dimension and atmosphere of the exhibition. The climb to the top of the keep tower with its breath-taking view of the region, makes this impression even more intensive.