Permanent Exhibition Castle Museum


In the Castle Museum, icons and works by contemporary artists are placed in connection and contrast with one another. The 16 Greek and Russian icons from the 16th to 19th centuries stand for man's desire to visualize transcendence.

The more than 200 for this museum by Canon Dr. The works donated by Jürgen Lenssen from the 20th and 21st centuries suggest that the nearly 80 artists represented do not exclude transcendence or even try to capture it in the picture. This multitude of artists includes i.a. Jehuda Bacon, Joseph Beuys, Bruno Ceccobelli, Sandro Chia, Herbert Falken, Markus Fräger, Jacques Gassmann, Clemens Kaletsch, Thomas Lange, Maria Lehnen, Matteo Montani, Michael Morgner, Sigmar Polke, Rainer Stoltz, Werner Stötzer, Michael Triegel, Ben Willikens , Max Pechstein and Ernst Barlach.

reverse glass ICONS

Over 180 Romanian reverse glass icons from the Dr. Joachim and Marianne Nentwig are presented in three exhibition rooms of the museum. It is the largest collection of this kind in Germany.

The icons behind glass contrast with the Russian and Greek icons presented in the other museum rooms. These were made by professional icon writers who had to follow both formal and ritual specifications. The icons behind glass, on the other hand, were made by laypeople in Transylvania, now Romania, in the 18th and 19th centuries. They were mass-produced, sold at fairs and by peddlers. They were not intended for installation in a sacred space, but for private devotion in one's own home.